Sunday, October 26, 2008


The Etsy Treasury Team is less than a week old and we already have 30 members and have created a bunch of fabulous treasuries! Treasuries=exposure and sales, and that is happening for us too!

So, if you have time to visit, 12-click and comment on team treasuries and create one team treasury a month yourself, I invite you to join us!

Visit our website

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Etsy Treasury Team

Sadly, there was so little interest in an Etsy Naturals Team that I have given up trying to form it. That won't stop me from starting a more inclusive team though!

Since joining Etsy I've enjoyed creating many treasuries for the general community and the three other teams I belong to. How about you? Are you an Etsy seller who enjoys making treasuries and being in them too? Maybe this team is for you. Read about the Etsy Treasury Team (ETT) on the new website and join: